Really Big Word. That's handy whenever you need to read something on your screen from further away—for example, phone numbers and passwords. Get a face tattoo, ensuring the word can't truly die until you do.
A great example of this is that classic fisherman's tale of how big the fish he caught was. Get a face tattoo, ensuring the word can't truly die until you do. The word is almost never used in normal conversation—it exists primarily as an example of a very long word with an ironic meaning.
On the contrary—using the word floccinaucinihilipilification is a great way to communicate uselessly with someone who is doing the same thing to you.
The inferences that we make in social research have probabilities associated with them - they are seldom meant to be considered covering laws that pertain to all cases.
Start texting them to your friends. Somewhat ironically, however, study after study has shown that using big words usually makes people sound dumb. You will need to have control over the font in order to use this text.