I Am Results Oriented. We hear a lot about the value of specific projects and I've never heard. Another word for results oriented is goal oriented.
The Result-Oriented is one of fifteen DISC Profiles. Another word for results oriented is goal oriented. English term or phrase: I am a results-oriented person.
Another word for results oriented is goal oriented.
The thing is, am a realistic learner(if the concept exist), i tend to get intimidated by abstractions(needless to say, maths was never my I know many people like me exist.
A results-oriented resume is one that focuses on quantitative accomplishments, rather than vague tasks that are unaccompanied by credible By structuring your resume to be results-oriented, you provide employers with the opportunity to measure your success at previous jobs using specific. results-oriented or results orientated. Results-oriented is an adjective that describes a person or thought process that judges the correctness of a decision based on the outcome of the decision. When asked, "What do you mean by results-oriented?", I never really got a good answer from my candidate.